William Betteridge

Experiences and Volunteering

Photography - WillABPhotography

Jan 2019 - Present

I am an amateur photographer, mainly interested in Landscape and Wildlife photography, and have been running a small business for the past couple of years. Primarily located in the Wirral, but also photographing The Lake District and Yorkshire, where I am at Uni.

The last three years I have produced and sold a Landscape Calendar of the Wirral. Along with this I also have my Lake District postcards up for sale in shops in local villages

Recently I have got involved with more portrait and candid photography, taking photos for friends and other families, as well as at York Engineering Society events, with me being the Secretary.

My approach to photography aims to give a faithful representation of what is witnessed at each location, producing photographs which capture a natural essence and accurately portray the atmosphere & character of the scene.

I primarily enjoy photography of this style as it allows everyone else to fully appreciate the beauty of each scene without it being artificial or modified.

York Engineering Society - Secretary

Apr 2022 - Apr 2024

Secretary for York Engineering Society and the IET on campus group.

April 2023 to 2024, one of the Signatory roles in the society, helping to lead and direct the society as well as managing emails and communications with society.

This includes organising committee meetings where I help lead the events to be planned and make sure each committee member knows what their job is over the next couple of months before the next meeting. And making sure for these events that the risk assessments are in place as well as communicating with the relevant contacts to sort and organise anything too.

Over the last year I have established communications with new external companies and employees to arrange speaker talks, as well as streamlined the planning and delivery of events making it easier for committee to collaborate and organise events. This was required in order to help direct and maintain a committee size of 12 members, simplifying my responsibilities to delegate tasks to other committee members.

Additionally I have also attended North Yorkshire IET local network meetings to explore opportunities for the society in the form of speaker talks and local network volunteers getting involved. As well as to provide support for any events where possible.

Press & Publicity for ShockSoc, the Engineering Society at Uni of York.

April 2022 to 2023, the press & publicity role in the society. This involved me designing and creating weekly newsletters to inform society members about upcoming events, as well as running and maintaining a social media presence posting eye catching graphics for each event.

Young Leading for Cubs

Apr 2017 - Dec 2020

Young Leading with Cubs, helping to organize as well as run my own activities for the cubs.

Heswall Parish Youth Community Outreach Program

Summer 2019 & Summer 2021

Leading and running activities for families and children in deprived areas of The Wirral.

Local Nature Reserve Maintenance

Summer 2019

Volunteered outdoors at Royden Park and Thurstaston Common, working in a team to maintain the nature reserve and keep its native species from being lost.